Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Lord Can Also Do Miracles For You

You have seen I have posted some of the miracles the Good Lord has done for me. Is it because I am special? NO! Anybody can receive miracles from the Lord. All you have to do is ask Him and believe He will give you what you are asking for and He will.

See, many times we ask thinking the Lord does not want to give us something and we say things like "If it's your will Lord give me this." Imagine, the Lord has loved us since before the beginnings of our universe. He has given us this earth, the air, the water, food and many other things that we take for granted but they are actually miracles. He even gave us His only son to die for us. The most precious of His belongings, His son. Do you really think that he will now act like "Oh I'm sorry but I don't feel like giving you what you are asking for?" After all that He has done for us? I don't think so. God will give you what you are asking for. Of course, if your children ask you for something you know will hurt them, would you give it to them? Lets remember, He knows better.

Some recommendations:
1. Ask with faith, knowing the Lord wants and will give you what you ask for.Ask in the name of Jesus.
2. Be careful what you ask for.
3. Sometimes He may deny what you are asking for because it's not convenient, or because He has something better in mind.
4. Sometimes, things do not come until you are ready. So, be patient.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Lord Always Talks To Me

Yes, some of you may think some people are crazy when they do these declarations. However,  it is something that is as true as the fact that you are reading this and maybe thinking – this dude is crazy-. Yes! The Lord speaks to me. Not like you think. I do not hear a voice in the air like in the Hollywood movies. No, he speaks to me in dreams. He always does. But he speaks to me when something important is about to happen and as of now the dreams I have received concern me and my family. I have never had a prophecy or anything to do with the rest of humanity, just me and my family.
When I was little, I remember he spoke to me the first time.  But I did not understand it was Him until I was an adult. I dream I was, of course a kid about four years old. My dad had my by the hand. Like any kid, I was not paying attention to my surroundings. I was just playing kicking the floor as my father grabbed me so I would not fall. Then, suddenly, my dad told me: Look son, this is the United States and you are from here. I, of course, did not understand. I did not even knew what was or where the United States. At that time kids in el Salvador did not go to kinder garden, so I did not even know how to read  or write the most basic in Spanish, English or any language. However, I clearly remember my dad telling this is the United States and you are from here. When he said that, I looked up to see my dad’s face, but I did not see his face.
So, now that I have lived in the United States for more than 25 years and that more than ever feel I belong to this country, is when I understand the one who was speaking to me in the dream was no other than God, my Father.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

God Keeps Me Working

 Back in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed the law to give amnesty to millions of undocumented people existed in the United States. During those years, lots of wars were going on in Central America, Eastern Europe and many other places in the world. Americans back then felt the responsibility to fight communism and, in a way, they felt like the saviors of the world. Therefore, they approved the amnesty for millions. Unfortunately, I did not qualify for the amnesty because it was for people who had come to the U. S. up to 1981. But the law had a measure that was bothering all of the ones who did not have documentation in the U. S. It penalized employers who did not check employee’s status.

However, I kept working and it did not matter that for me it was a “crime” to work. I wonder, if feeding the hungry and healing the sick will be a crime also. Anyway, I remember one time God almighty put me in the way of a good Jew who was the owner of a store in Houston. He gave me a job. Of course he did not know I was illegal. However, one year later the government started harassing employers, so my employer started asking for documentation. That day I prayed and left my problem to the Lord. Then I went to see my boss to tell him the truth. I told him that I was undocumented and that I did not want to cause trouble to him or his company, so I will quit I said. He said, “You do not need to quit and because you are honest. Because of your honesty I will give you a raise.” I left that office jumping, giving thanks to the Lord who had protected me and had given me a job and an increase.

With this event God demonstrated me He not only could keep me working, He could give me increases. That day, in that store, God almighty showed Himself, saving me from becoming jobless. He kept me working and gave me increase.

Throughout the years, my Lord has always taken care of me. He can and wants to take care of you too. If He gave an undocumented immigrant a job, an education, economic increases, health, etc., he can also do it for you. Just accept Him. He wants to be your protector, your healer, your increaser, your shield. You will be better off. I’m not talking about religion. Having a job, education, etc. are tangible things unlike a religion. Tangible things do not come from religions. Tangible things come from the one who created it all. Give your heart to Him today.